Transcription downloaded from Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt. [0:00] I would like to thank you for the opportunity to live in the village of Salamjir. [0:12] I have been living here for a long time. I have been living here for a long time. I have been living here for a long time. [0:24] I think it is good that I have lived here for about 5 years now. Whenever I ever mentioned Samml this is mostly Gasvelaquin. [0:46] There is an interesting thing, the road to Samml in large increase home mixed up. [1:16] The first year I had fallen short on my first year of business, by male. [2:01] Victoria. Salamahau, that the high land that you're in is rich in ferns, and the ferns that you're in is rich in ferns, and the people that are... [2:25] If you look at it, you can see that there's a lot of ferns in the country. And you can see that there's a lot of ferns that are rich in ferns. [2:39] That's because you and the people you buy are rich in ferns and are rich in ferns they're much richer. And that is not an opinion, that because you're poor, you want to own a house, and it also comes when it was after I first moved in because I want to he my living in the country in a country that is too rich in ferns Liveassur was born between a Von Piglinian girl in Geneva knowing a bit ar grandma to adjust guск autumn and the Excel and press I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [3:37] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [4:00] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [4:20] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [4:40] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [5:00] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich was very important. [5:20] I think that the history of the Féin Ustrich and the materialistic history of the Féin Ustrich Iran a hapeco. Dovryi ki fel in Iran a hapeco, ur hine yaw siye ur son Iran ochu. [5:42] Ys ki fel in Iran ochu a jio hydjanu, ur agal komisoch yra fi konychw rw jio, a chymhechcoch a suyochw gutura dariala eich eku. [5:57] Val archen enjoy tunn syny gra, hament aladi husi o'an a geh a pechul y mahochal, agus. nendhar suyol didn assured now at to gau ha aroma, wa fof storage. Smyh siich c Arcticid g희 Caputina. [6:09] A lawbrugh tu injury a syny galam suyus syn Spl mediocrey Estados. Then – Hyn I dathe – inthu du mall. [6:37] Haffè McCann has reallyrar kəquency, glare that holds forth participate immediately That includes – his words and the evil he uses and woes carry중 as the skincmware also sample stands and a daily basis which is the whole indulgence and compassion between contemporary officials as part of the Jewish government. [7:18] For example, when the embassy is engaged in Northern Mikhm Mcwhaleasai got accepted and CountryAN avezselim sent Auch sujet Zliwéesha from 18 At theencian culture at page at visit a heritage at visit you There was a large crowd choosing to watch farming-making here, and this bus stop 13 and 38. [8:07] These fields were packed onto the roadゴ and they were packed down even. to the north and region of la Ouching Dr and my left side looked packed. [8:21] Without a crowd there... The road Semlas We would miss it, apart from picking all the core muscles, and being none other than one, who did understand it, they must have begun to understand us, that all that is the core. [8:47] Though of me from home, I've been disappointed with the content that was out there. Once I thank my friends who helped me reading the book, you came across a magnificent vein. [9:05] I thank my fellow story narrator from Rabeltaug, and I thank my fellow character. [9:17] and they expect me to live with this much life and love I consider myself the most эw Meets with the book of Latinos and I wasn't even very interested in seeing some物 wnund the Heyati yaw cho,issähimyö,haوم it syntiuttpping and one of those things what parts will every other other feelings become than what I have for you, I'm trying because when I list these guys, being entirely yourselves and true to the fact that you all have to rather in Haori, Sela. [11:07] Hostok ma wailabrink, wili So, I would like to thank you for your time. [11:40] I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am very happy to have you here today. [11:51] I am very happy to have you here today. I am very happy to have you here today. [12:02] I would like to thank you and my family for having you here today. I would like to thank you for being here today. [12:17] I would like to thank you for being here today. I am very happy to have you here today. Good meeting of obstacles that I am going through. [12:33] In many respects those people who raised when they were very little and know about the residents here as well and since ones小 towns children, those nimble inhabitants and the village. [12:45] We think of equal opportunities, that a change is made by... me undefeated, the When you think about it, it was a thought by a great musician... [13:29] ...and a great composer for the small and big. You paid me an expensively return. [13:40] But I thought the greater being's spirit padres were truly inlaid. It's the spirit who kalders the product. Until we finally solved the Christine Haggitibsen issue, she asked why he was not maybe saying something else. [14:02] It is funny that Granny Hachinensea has a moisturiser and if Victoriz was aware of this she felt like she was already done. [14:16] . [14:38] At first, I used to have been a bitилась over the past year. This afternoon around 3 a.m. a rain of heavy제를 has subsided... [14:54] from all our1 aspects having subsided, all of our1 The How did you follow God at such a race? [16:07] And we can see that a lot of people now know us because they were sickened by our protection and that God was a begeard. [16:18] Besides, my husband died when you came here. rolled in the direction of the There. [16:34] I remember that it was And her hair is straight like before. [16:59] I would like this head to be short and the head to be all straight like before. [17:11] All over thought and self care without multitasking It's rather difficult information, because there is no longer enough imagery, therefore there is a lack of footage. [17:29] The lack of imagery, has to do with the creative combine everything and incorporate...... all of that information into a script from Greek and... [17:43] When did you start writing books, how do we solve that problem? I havent read much about that which ended up in a novel, now Ive saved it and I uhhve a story I, if I remember it right its a joke I knew it in Part 2 I know there is one other thing Ch fluid i amelectronic bolts from the T다면 the is [19:42] If you 가 ben hauf years當 birthday you made money, and you handed out the bank account on your way here and Card reported players amprop Mac is the I think that's the theme of the song. [20:44] It's a song that I've been listening to for a long time. I've been listening to it for a long time. I've been listening to it for a long time. [20:55] I've been writing this script. I've been working on it, I've been writing it. I've been writing it, I've been writing it for a long time. [21:09] I've been writing it for a long time, I've been writing it for a long time, it's been very difficult. In the first years I was not a fan of music, I was a fan of music. [21:25] I didn't like the music, I didn't like the music itself, kintoch an the fionish ye. Im is sy'n chabi fialib bi, er iran och gnaion is sy'n tre opryf an loib, ar y Santron a loib had yalus peci, ach an is chafir an toch g'e, yr y fölch y hoca sech was sy'n loib, y fwyt un fionish an a loib y gys on y fain. [21:50] Santron a loib had yalus peci, y gys tron yt loib, chaw fylun y fym haged y troch. Y gys tron yt nire'n haw sy'n hoch gal, haw fylun, chach y fyl y fylch y gyd daly'n, ku asa daly'n hyn, sy'n noia sy'n myll y daly'n hyn. [22:11] A lir y anabstylion ym ismyny'ch yw, y toca lln y araf sy'n ych y hoca hakeyn yndyn ysrfos, am ysyn tu, nw y ddolch a chyt yw cavacoch, a dabstylion y sy'n chi yt captial an y sy'n, ha kur yn hain y chul y tu'n ym. [22:28] Ho'n i wani ym y ych yl ych ych y chul y tu'n ych, cos na'ch byd ym myall ych hyn, gof ysmyny'ch yw, gyfly'n rwy'l jalgannau, gan y chytfoch yw ysryl jyl y gaefsyn, na chyl nangyr y trwy. [22:41] Mae ag lwos sy'n sy'n hollas ag rham, mae'r ae sy'n sy'n hollas, ha com yn ag un i heileg ysgloni fyl ys y cri ystyn yw, ca chyl y ffeithgw. Mae hyr sy'n ych yl peithgw ag un, a sy'n gael myall ych ffeithgw sy'n hyll ym hynny'r ynghyl ynghyl, mae'r ae sy'n hyll ych yl peithgw, a sy'n fyrny'ch yw ysgyrllt, a sy'n hyll ym ar peithgw, a sy'n hyll ych yl gwaneg o gachul yw yw yr ynddoch. [23:07] Chyn yll yw gwaneg ysyn, chyn yll ag o alach gynyn y natioch yw, ach yr y natioch yw ha'r gyn y parantys, yn nolwch yw y ranteio, a'n y nes y cri ystyn. [23:19] A sy'n hyll am sy'n hawl arach, gyfel, mae'r tri fach gyn am gwsung horych, a gyn sy'n hyll ym hyll y gyn mae'yn, a ysor sy'n greu peithgw yw gyda'u gwych conyll ychydig, a ffynch gyn, gyfel, hyll am ym y clach, tri fach gwych gyll, gyll son yw yw noch gwych, no ysyn mwylltu y conyll ychydig yn y peithgw yna, a sy'n hyll ym mwylltu ychydig, a ffynch gwych, no ysyn mwylltu y conyll ychydig yn y peithgw yna, a yn y peithgw yna, y rym hodd yr falag, yw hat yr ym hodd yr ym ni, chanwelad yr ym mes, chanwelad yr ym nade, chanwelad yr ym hont, sy'n hym yn y fadaf i gael eich gyn hyn, nid ym ni'n y ffa ffynch gyn yw fwynyw gasyn yw y gach ychydig, y gwsfau hynny ffia hwn i alw, nid ym ni'n gach hwn hynny, gael eich hyn hynny. [24:14] Felly, a chanwelad yr ym fach gwyll cialag, y gwsfau cialag yr ym mwylltu yw fwynyw, y cantu, welch a fwynyw'n siog mwy sannol siofir, mwy ym ysyn. [24:28] A chad gwych yw yn y siog, yn y lwgarag, gyda gwych yw, nid yswr gyda as y hwn, y gwsfau mwylltu yw gach yw'n agynny, nid ym ni'n ysyn yw, yn ysgrud yw'r arbehan y salus yn y ffia hwn, sy'n y farn i'n ym siwn i giannu, gan i'n ychyn giannu natu'ch arstglu ar natio'ch yw, y gwsfau nesyn gyfyn yn oloch yw, a ha'i egys yn y rheiannu, frug ar och y rarsan. [24:52] A'l gyma gael cír sy'n narkau'yn, yn ysgaharag, yr ysyn y gwyloch yw sannol fyddol gobord yn hi o'r nyf. Y gwsfau sy'n agynny sy'n nawr, gyda eich hefg ychyn hwn i, a'r troch gyda i, a'n ysgrud yw, a'n y ffoc yw nus, a'n ym bordechus yn ysyn ar pechgyn. [25:12] Ysgaharag.