About Us

We are a community of Christians on the West Side of Lewis who seek to see Jesus known and praised. All we do is guided by the Bible because this is where we find out about who God is and who we are. Our Church is made up of men, women, families, couples, senior citizens, teens and children who want to love and serve an extraordinary God and build each other up in the Gospel.


Whether you have never set foot in a church before or have been a Christian for many years, we would love to welcome you to our church. This is where we find out more about who Jesus is through the Bible, how we can follow him and be more like him. Our church is for all ages.

We meet every Sunday at 11am and 6pm.


Our Sunday School meets during the morning service for pre-school aged children to primary 7. We join together with the Church of Scotland during the morning service in the Church of Scotland hall. After our children's talk, the children meet together for some songs, Bible stories, crafts and fun.

Our Bible Class is for children in S1-S6. We meet before the morning service, from 10.50am to 11.10am in the Church of Scotland hall for some Bible teaching and fellowship.

Our Youth Fellowship/Youth Club, Finders, meets together with Callanish Free Church fortnightly on Friday evenings. Often in the Breasclete Community Centre or in the Free Church building in Carloway. We meet for some activities, fun, and to share the good news of the Gospel and is open to secondary school aged children across the districts.


Prayer is simply communicating with God in a two-way relationship. As Christians we believe in the power of prayer. We meet every Thursday evening at 7.30pm for a time of prayer, friendship, worship and Bible teaching.

Refurbishment Project

Special Projects Fund

We are hoping to make significant improvements to our church building. We are currently fundraising for this project.

You can contribute by making a payment to this account:
Free Church Carloway Special Projects
Account Number: 00666679 Sort Code: 83-27-12

Alternatively you can place an envelope with 'Special Projects' in the collection plate on Sundays or get in touch for a standing order form.

Thank you for your support.
